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Data Analyst Interface

Page history last edited by Sanford 15 years, 10 months ago

Visualization Interface


Project Lead: Andrew Turner 

This project part is taking the information from the TVR back-end which is currently being shared as KML, Atom and JSON and needs to be represented in visual form.



  • citizen - interested in seeing what is happening in the space of reports
  • bloggers and/or NPR - ability to place the TVR map visualization on their site via an embeddable widget


Feature Progression:

  1. Make an embeddable widget that supports the last 100 reports on a map visualization at the resolution of the map shown (current state of map visualization)
    1. Seeing the entire country with the last 100 icons showing
    2. Allow for the user to click on the icons to see the tweets
  2. Phase Two - support a "twittervision" movement (dynamic map) of all reports within the view of the map -
    1. not moving around like in TV, but enough to see the reports within the field of view of the map
  3. Phase Three - support only receiving reports within a specific state or county in a dynamic map
    1. Simple filter of reports
  4. Phase Four - support heat map of sentiment in either field of vision, state or county
    1. Supposedly there is a number of HeatMap libraries in the world that suupport this need
  5. Phase Five - support other visualizations of data
    1. In field of view, support a bar chart of the average waittime for locations
    2. In field of view, support bar chart of report

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