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Dummy test data for Dave

Page history last edited by Sanford 15 years, 10 months ago

Does anyone have a little bit of time for Dave right now? He needs a text file body of dummy data to work with, with multiple permutations:

screenname: tweet data

Dave sez: "where screenname is a twitter username and tweet data is the actual data (well formed, malformed and otherwise) we might expect from the field. need maybe a body of 100 messages and they should be wacky and crazy like we'd expect from the field."




jdp23: #votereport #wait:90 #zip:98005 longest lines I've ever seen in Bellevue

jdp24: #votereport what is jdp23 doing?  98005

spoist: L:Wasilla, AK #votereport no lines

poiwer: ::: ##votereport

perspot: #zip90210 #votereport out of ballots

pwiersd: McCains name not on ballot #60045 #votereport

nancyscola: 11215 wait120 line is out the door #votereport

nancyscola: #votereport #machine two voting machines down #20002

izzylouise: #voterreport can't believe i have to wait this long 11218

mamasezknockuout: weird electronic thing with touch screen #votereport L:sedona

berfpo: #votereport #wait:25 #zip01602 medium lines, lots of Romney2012 signs

pesdif: #votereport w00t!

coirt: how do I use this thing? #votereport

pasdef: the voting machines are malfunctioning, intent on world domination #votereport L:Brooklyn, NY

surferguy: L: San Fran this line is hella long! wait:240 #votereport

mattcoop: #votereport help! they won't let me vote

odie123: #voterreport L: New York precinct 5: #machine #wait:90

mattcoop: #votereport oh yeah, I'm in L:10003

icanhascheezburger: lol #votereport ur gr8 ttyl

joeblow: #votereport no problems in #zip02648

boersed: #votereport 53456 not registered to vote

poert: seems like lots of people not on voter rolls #votereport

pcedf: would anyone like to buy my vote? #votereport

cleaiu: my friends, yes we can! #votereport

peasdi: @icanhascheezburger, i can haz cheezburger? #01609 #votereport

pweersd: Obamas name not on ballot #90302 #votereport

nancyscola: 11215 wait120 line is out the door #votereport

liuerv: #votereport #machine #91002

izzyise: #voterreport they're running on emergency power #zip:11118

mamasezout: weird punchcard trouble #votereport L:Williamsburg

berfpo: #votereport #wait:35 #zip60302 i hate lines!

pesdif: #votereport w00t! #wait:0

coirt: where is my polling place? #votereport

academicdave: Voted. For the first time I voted for someone instead of against someone. #votereport

nancyscola: [Please ignore -- a test tweet] 11215 wait:90 #votereport

sanford: #votereport #zipcode 10023

cktest: #votereport #machine #bad 20009 test - ignore

academicdave: http://twitpic.com/habw - Line is out the door for early voting. Park Ln. Dallas TX. #votereport

toddhoskins: #votereport early voting Chicago 48th Ward. 5 min wait. #good machines. good staff.

jdp25: #votereport #98005 #machin

jdp25: #votereport #98005 #machine fixing typo

jdp25: #votereport #98005 #machine more info, is this a duplicate report?

coirt: poll place closed? #zip23452 #votereport

academicdave: First time I ever voted! EVer! #votereport

nanste: #60045 still waiting #votereport

sadert: #votereport #12456

testest: #votereport  ignore

dver: look at these lines:http://twitpic.com/etc #votereport

thkins: #machines bad. good staff.

sabotage: #votereport no problems at all in L: Columbus, OH: nope, none at all #good

mccain: friends, like a true maverick, I voted early #46646

palin: #votereport Barack Obama pals around with poll workers

ACORN: #registration #votereport plenty of registered voters here in L:Chicago!

sanford: #voterepotr Having trouble at the Broward site zip: 33322

mirim: #votereport Machine has gone down - only three operating at the Pompano Beach loc

miles: #votereport L: Holloywood Fl lines are three hours long

johnston: HELP - police are harrassing people #EPFL #votereport #current


Comments (2)

Billy Gray said

at 10:06 am on Oct 23, 2008

If someone could separate these into 1) tweets that should work 2) tweets that should fail, that would be great, will save us a little time building the test suite.

JonPincus said

at 12:23 pm on Oct 23, 2008

let's keep it all as one list for now to make it easier for people to contribute, but once we get a little further this is a really good suggestion. something to keep in mind: it's not as simple as should work/should fail. instead, we need to specify what (if any) information we should store in the database for each of these. (so even if the 'wait' is badly-formatted, we still want to record a report from that area).

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