
Super Tweeters

Page history last edited by Faye Anderson 16 years, 3 months ago


We hope to get as many tweeters as possible, but we know that we'll have some people very actively tweeting about the situation on the ground.  We want to know about you.




Matt Cooperrider

Location: Long Island City, NY

Twitter: mattcoop

Cell: 774 487 8152

Email: mattcooperrider [AT] gmail [DOT] com

About me: I'm helping organize this effort, so I won't be supplying too many tweets about on-the-ground stuff.



Add your entry here:

Faye Anderson

Location: Washigton, DC

Twitter: andersonatlarge

Cell: 718 369 6059

Email: andersonatlarge [AT] gmail [DOT] com

About me: I'm live-blogging fromt the "war room" of the National Coaliton on Black Civic Participation.   I will have real-time access to calls to the voter assistance hotline, 1-866-MYVOTE1



Comments (1)

Harry Waisbren said

at 8:05 pm on Oct 25, 2008

Name: Harry Waisbren
Location: Madison, WI
Twitter: hwaisbren
Cell: 414-588-7153
Email: hwaisbren@gmail.com
About me: I am a student activist at the University of Wisconsin. I have been involved with the voter suppression wiki and am extremely interested in finding and training these supertweeters. I plan to do this nationally through the network of Campus Progress representatives that I am a part of and locally through a variety of voter suppression prevention community organizations I have been targeting.

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